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Le Chic Boutique is Registered with Singapore's ACRA Reg No. 53154234C

18 November 2010

Chic Tip #8: How to Take Your Body Measurements

Since the introduction of the custom made cheongsams, we've been receiving queries about how to measure oneself. So it's a great time to share some tips on how to take your body measurements! Here it goes:  

 1. To take your bust measurement, take the measuring tape around your back and bring across the fullest part of your bust, under your arm pit. Your arms should be relaxed, down at your sides. 

2. Waist is the smallest part of your waist and is usually an inch or so above your belly button. It is also called the natural waist.

3. It's good to leave a finger-space or two of spacing between your body and the measuring tape, to adjust the level of 'tightness' or looseness that you're comfortable with. This is especially important for bust, waist and hips. But don't do that for shoulders

4. Measure shoulders from the end of one shoulder to the other end of the shoulders - that's the broadest. Most dresses' shoulders (esp. sleeveless) should be smaller than the breadth of your shoulders. 

5. Make sure that your measuring tape is parallel to the ground when you are measuring bust, waist and hips. 

6. Measure your hips (the widest parts of your hips, across your hip bones) while standing with feet together

7. Measure yourself after a meal (lunch/dinner) to get the most accurate reading. 

8. Try to measure a few days before or after your menstrual period to avoid measuring yourself when there is water retention. 

9. Last but not the least - the most accurate measurement is done when one is wearing only underwear! :)


Lavoguette said...

Very nice blog!

hp said...

Thank you Lavoguette! :)

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